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What is the International Data Encryption Algorithm (idea)?

International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA) is a once-proprietary free and open block cipher that was once intended to replace Data Encryption Standard (DES). Once called Improved Proposed Encryption Standard (IPES)I, DEA is a minor revision to the Proposed Encryption Standard (PES).

What is crypto & how does it work?

Crypto are digital assets —they have no tangible form. Cryptocurrencies exist and operate on a public ledger called a blockchain, which records all crypto transactions. Blockchain encryption is designed to make all transactions immutable and secure from tampering, counterfeit, and other forms of fraudulent transactions.

What is the IDEA cipher?

IDEA is a minor revision of an earlier cipher Proposed Encryption Standard (PES). The cipher was designed under a research contract with the Hasler Foundation, which became part of Ascom-Tech AG. The cipher was patented in a number of countries but was freely available for non-commercial use. The name "IDEA" is also a trademark.

How does idea encrypt and decrypt?

IDEA uses similar processes for encryption and decryption, with some inverted ordering of round keys. It consists of a series of 8 rounds and operates on 64-bit blocks using a 128-bit key. IDEA suffered from weak keys until its key schedule was revised, and it may call for further revision in the future.

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